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LoveQuiltsUK - Archie N's quilt

Archie N's quilt    (Quilt Open)

Illness: Mds ( myelodysplasia blood cancer )

Theme: Sports cars and Pokemon

Date opened: 22nd Jan 2025
Deadline: 26th May 2025

Photo of Archie N

Sign up to stitch a square
for Archie N

Theme details

Sports cars and Pokemon - Please ensure that Pokemon characters are legal. Note: the Pokemon book has some patterns that claim to be 80x80 but are actually smaller - so if choosing one of these patterns, could you bulk out a bit (eg some extra thunderbolts around Pikachu)

For the label, he would like a white guinea pig - I know that's not the easiest on White Aida, but perhaps something with backstitch around it!

Child Interests

He loves Pokémon.
Fast and furious. His favourite colour is blue .


Archie was a healthy baby and we didn't think he had any health issues. His sister was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia in 2022 and we tested Archie to see if he could be a donor to save his sister`s life. But his sister ended up saving his life (she did have a bone marrow transplant from a stranger in Newcastle in march 2022) because he had cancer cells in his blood.

He is treated in Bristol where he had to have a Hickman line fitted which he was very scared of but has got used to in the end. He had a stem cell transplant in August 2023. The donor was a stranger.

He then developed an aggressive form of GVHD which is skin rashes following grafting after transplant. He had to have a heavy dose of chemotherapy and he had to be in isolation for 5 half months.

He was discharged at the end of December 2023 then had to readmitted with aggressive sickness. He went back and forth to walk in and local hospital because he had an ng tube which kept coming out. He has follow up appointments in Bristol and Cardiff every few months. He also only has blood tests now every 6 months.

He is doing really well in full time school

Patterns (1 stitcher needed)   (Sign up here)

1.Pokèmon cross stitch by Maria Diaz. Pikachu Raichu & PichuStitcher: Sharon Hill, Billinge, Wigan, UK
In Progress

2.Pokemon Cross Stitch by Maria Diaz Vulpix and Ninetails from Pokemon cross stitch book. Stitcher: Katie, Birbeck, UK
In Progress

3.Pokemon cross stitch by Maria Diaz Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander Stitcher: Verity, Manchester, England
In Progress

4.Mary Hickmott designs on Etsy 2 sports carsStitcher: Heather, Littleborough, England
In Progress

5.Pokemon cross stitch page39 by Maria Diaz Pikachu and Piplup Stitcher: Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England
In Progress

6.Pkkemon Cross Stitch book by Maria Diaz Munchlax and Snorlax pokemon Stitcher: Rebecca, Chelmsford, UK
In Progress

7.LQ file Porsche 911 by pat brownStitcher: Jannine Hall, Stourbridge, England
In Progress

8.World of cross stitching MG Roadster by Lucie HeatonStitcher: Tina Brown, Tylers Green, UK
In Progress

9.Racing car by climbing goats design of etsyStitcher: Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England
In Progress

10.Pokémon cross stitch by Maria Diaz Espeon & UmbreonStitcher: C McDonald, Altrincham, UK
In Progress


12.Label Stitcher: Emma Robson, Doncaster, England
In Progress

Squares received

None yet. (Quilt opened on 22nd Jan 2025)

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