BiographyDylan was born a healthy little boy who lived a "normal" life until he was 4, August 2015 our lifves changed forever within seconds. Dylan was playing at his grandparents' house when he had a horrific accident. He climbed on a free standing mirror which broke beneath him and severed his main artery in his groin area, causing Dylan to bleed out and go into cardiac arrest. He was in cardiac arrest for 56 minutes which has left Dylan with significant brain damage. We spent months in hospital with Dylan, starting in ICU in Edinburgh's Sick Kids hospital followed by months in Ninewells hospital in Dundee. Dylan had multiple operations and followed a rehabilitation timetable during our months in hospital. Dylan was finally discharged in June 2016.
Dylan still has regular input from physio, OT, speech and language therapy. He also sees a paediatric consultant regularly. Dylan is now a full time wheelchair user, he is non verbal and double incontinent but after all this he is still a happy boy. Dylan attends a special school for children with ASN.