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LoveQuiltsUK - Jayden S's quilt

Jayden S's quilt    (Quilt Completed)

Illness: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Theme: Football

Quilt delivered: 2nd May 2024
Photo of Jayden S

Thank you

Hi everyone Jayden would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who played a part in making his quilt he absolutely loves it and couldn't believe it when he opened it (he didn't know anything about it) the quilt is absolutely beautiful, the work and time you have taken and put into the making the quilt means the absolute world to Jayden.
You are all amazing in every single way. xxx

This will comfort Jayden through the good and bad days and it will be treasured always

Finished photos

Photo of Jayden Ss quilt

Photo of Jayden Ss quilt

Photo of Jayden Ss quilt

Photo of Jayden Ss quilt

Photo of Jayden Ss quilt

Quilted by: Tracey E

Individual squares

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: C McDonald (+)
Submitted: Feb 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Diana Lettice (+)
Submitted: Mar 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Heather (+)
Submitted: Dec 2023

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Jeanne (+)
Submitted: Jan 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Jodie Balaam (+)
Submitted: Nov 2023

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Kate (+)
Submitted: Mar 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Nicky (+)
Submitted: Mar 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Nicola (+)
Submitted: Dec 2023

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Pippa (+)
Submitted: Mar 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Sharon (+)
Submitted: Jan 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Sylvia (+)
Submitted: Jan 2024

Cross stitch square for Jayden S's quilt
Stitched by: Val Gilbert (+)
Submitted: Dec 2023


Card for Jayden S
Stitched by: Hannah Garner


Jayden was born in 2012. He was a healthy, happy baby who rarely got poorly. He went through nursery and early years school with no problems. He found a real love for football a couple of years back; football is everything to Jayden.

Last November be began to get out of breath when walking and complaining of pains in legs. We took him to the Dr to be told he had an infection in his breathing tube, nothing to worry about. A week later he was no better. He began to find football hard and become very withdrawn, he was bruising very easily and a rash appeared on his arm. We took him straight back to the Drs and from there we were sent to the hospital where they carried out tests. 4hrs later they told us Jayden's blood work showed blasts and explained that this was an indication of leukaemia but they were not sure what type it was and would confirm once they knew. Those words shattered our world as you can imagine. We remained in hospital for a week before being sent to a hospital in London where Jayden had a port fitted in his side so he could receive treatment more easily. On the 13th of December Jayden was officially diagnosed with ALL and received his first lot of chemotherapy. We remained in hospital until 23rd of December and made it home just in time for Christmas.

Jayden began losing his hair on Boxing Day. Treatment has been regular since then. He has completed induction of treatment which was regular chemotherapy, lumbar punctures and bone marrow samples were taken. He become very poorly at times and has to have stays in hospital.

Jayden is now in maintenance which will continue until April 2026 which includes daily chemotherapy at home and monthly chemotherapy at the hospital as well as regular lumbar punctures. He has weekly bloods taken to keep an eye on his levels.

Jayden is doing well and has returned to school. He recently passed his test for grammar school so will be attending there next year. He has made a slow return to football. He is a happy little lad who takes it all in his stride. We have good days and bad days but he still smiles.

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